Monday, April 15, 2013

Lift Weights - I promise its good for you!

It is true, picking up a dumbbell and doing some repetitions is not going to hurt you. In fact, studies show strength training is just as important as cardio is for women's health. Here are some facts and myths about weight training for women.


  • I will bulk up. Actually, women's testosterone levels are a fraction of what men's levels are and the only way a women would need to worry about bulking up is if she's taking any supplement testosterone. 
  • My chest will get bigger. False, your back will get bigger, but not your chest since breast are actually composed of fatty tissue its possibly your cup size will decrease a little after a bit of body fat-loss. 
  • I'll become stiff and musclebound. Flexibility will increase if the moves your preform are completed to full range of motion. If you are still worried about this, take a yoga class for additional flexibility support. 
  • I'll have to spend hours in the wight room with the guys. Full body weight routines can take as little as 40 minutes. If you are lifting for strength and lean muscle improvement, shoot for 3 sets of 10-15 reps each move.


  • Decreases risk of osteoporosis. Women tend to lose bone density, the older they get. Strength training paired with enough calcium intake is the best defense against osteoporosis. 
  • You will lose body fat. Studies show that in just two months, 2-3 days a week of weight training will result in about a 2 lb muscle increase and a 3.5 lb fat decrease.
  • Increased metabolism. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle the higher your Resting Metabolic Rate will be. Each muscle cell burns calories even while you sleep and revs up when you need energy for physical activity. 
  • Reduced risk of: Injury, pain, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, depression.
Here is a full body strength training program, I suggest using 5-8lb weights to start with and complete 10-15 reps for a total of 3 sets. 
Squats w/ weights at side 
Biceps Curl
Reverse Lunges w/ weights at side 
Overhead Press
Kettle Bell or Ball Swing
Triceps Kickback
Side Lunges w/ weights in front
Reverse Flyes
Donkey Kicks
Dumbbell Rows
Fire Hydrants

Saturday, April 6, 2013

9 Daily Healthy Tips

1. Drink one glass of ice cold water every hour. 

2. Drink 3 cups of green tea daily...metabolism. 

3. Take vitamins daily with food. 

4. Do aerobics until you want to faint. 

5. Use smaller plates...looks like you ate more. 

6. Chew each bite of food thoroughly. 

7. Sleep at least six hours a day. If you get less than six this can lower your metabolism by 15%. 

8. Keep track of everything you eat. 

9. Keep good posture, burns 10% more calories when you sit up straight. 

Go get 'em!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Desert 100

I call this one after my friends, who are currently working in the desert. You don't need anything except water and a solid surface. Each round will take about 15 minutes without breaks. If you don't have a clock to watch for the 30 sec. Jump Rope just do about 30 jumps instead.

The Desert 100
100 Jumping Jacks
30 sec. Jump Rope (just make the move, no rope needed)
90 Butt Kicks
30 sec. Jump Rope
80 High Knees
30 sec. Jump Rope 
70 Scoccer Kicks
30 sec. Jump Rope
60 Mountain Climbers
30 sec. Jump Rope
50 Toy Soldiers
30 sec. Jump Rope
40 Bronco Hops (Feet side to side in mountain climber position)
30 sec. Jump Rope
30 Inner Heel Slaps
30 sec. Jump Rope 
20 Basketball Jump Shots (10 each side)
30 sec. Jump Rope 
10 Burpees
30 sec. Jump Rope

Rest for 2-3 minutes and repeat 1-3 more times. Enjoy!