Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rest is Needed

As important as it is to exercise and eat well... its also just as important to give yourself a break when needed. Saw this on Pinterest (from PrettyPinkPrep) and thought I would share with you.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Feel Great in 7 Days, in Time for THE Event

Each day you will be given a task to accomplish and a workout to complete. Focus on eating well and fueling your body, not your cravings and not starving yourself. As you count down the days, ADD the tasks (NOT workouts) to your daily list (so on Day 1 you will be doing all 7 tasks). 
Day 7 - Eliminate Processed FoodsI like to say if you can't grow it or collect it from something living, then its processed. Processed foods includes anything you buy from the middle aisles at the grocery store with few exceptions AND fast food. These foods have actually been shown to have addiction characteristics leaving you unsatisfied when you are done.  Your best bet is to stay in the produce aisle for good eats.
Workout:  Body Blast
Day 6 - Booze, Unnecessary calories: Did you know that one ounce of vodka has 160 calories in it?? Not only are alcoholic drinks high in calories, they also make resisting snacking very difficult and your choices poor when you do. Not to forget its dehydrating and addicting.
Workout:  Total Body Strong
Day 5 - Fiber Boost: Carbs might not be your friend, but fiber is. Fiber is proven to create satiety. Best options for fiber include flaxseed, almonds, quinoa, barley, and brown rice. Just think about adding these to your everyday meals like yogurt and salad so that you feel full longer.
Workout:  Lean Legs
Day 4 - No Luck if your Metabolism Sucks: Eating more frequently throughout the day helps boost your metabolism and help ward off binge eating. Every hour you don't eat you'll dip about 3% in metabolism. Keep your metabolism high by eating within the first hour of waking up and every 3-4 hours after that making sure your last meal or snack is no less than two hours before bed. It also helps to drink water frequently and get up every hour for a quick break.
Workout:  Total Body Tight
Day 3 - Down Hill & Bloat at Bay: Flat tummy foods that are packed with water such as cucumbers, spinach, and asparagus in addition to bananas and oranges help keep bloat away while broccoli, onions, and peppers cause gassing and bloating. If its full of water its probably safe. Workout:  Totally Core
Day 2 - Flush Away: The best way to wash your system is to simply flush everything out with water. Your body retains water when it feels you don't have enough of it. Having a glass of water every hour of downing 2-3 liters everyday will do the trick. Also a tip to not have to go to the restrooms a million times a day is to drink slowly so that water goes strait to the bloodstream rather than through the liver, where excess is excreted as waste. 
Workout:  You may be sore after the last five days. Use today to take it easy, pop in some music, and go for a nice walk or bike ride outside or at the gym. Make sure you get in at least 30 minutes of exercise though. 
EVENT DAY - Protein is your BFF!: Make your breakfast packed with protein and you're guaranteed to fill up and keep snacking to a minimum. An egg and veggie scramble with whole wheat toast is a perfect option for fiber and protein. 
Workout:  Yoga Poses

Yoga Poses

Now I am no Yogi, but I do know a good stretch when I see one. I got the photo from Use the photo below to stretch out and  focus on positive things. Today is your big day and I want nothing but happy thoughts floating around you. Hold each pose that you can safely do for about 45 seconds each side. If you need the wall or a chair for balance, please use it. 

Lean Legs

Using a chair for each move
Squat Kick Backs - Squat keeping back flat and abs engaged with arms reached out to back of chair. Kick leg back and lift while straitening the other leg. Return to start and repeat on other leg. 1 min of Reps
Leg Swings - Stand with your left side facing a chair and your left hand resting on it. Bring your legs together with your heels touching and toes pointing out on a diagonal. Extend your right arm out to the side at shoulder height. Lift the right leg off the floor in front of you to hip height and turn it out to the side slightly while bending it. Swing your right leg back behind you. Keep your back nice and straight, zip up those abs and squeeze your buttocks as you swing the leg. Return to the start position and repeat on the other side. You should spend 30 seconds on each leg. 

Plie - Stand with your left side facing a chair and your left hand resting on it, with your toes turned out slightly and heels together and lifted a few inches off the floor. Bring your right arm out to the side at shoulder height. Bend your knees into a low plie as you press your heels together like glue. Squeeze your inner thighs as you return to standing. Keep your back straight and zip up those abs the entire time. Complete as many pies as you can in one minute. 
Tuck - Holding on to the back of the chair with your left arm, turn your body on a diagonal toward the chair. Bring your legs and feet together, lift your heels several inches off the ground and bend your knees.  Extend your right arm out to the side at shoulder height. With your inner thighs squeezing together, alternate tucking your pelvis forward and back. The higher the heels come off the floor, the trimmer the thighs.
 Hamstring - Turn the chair so that you are facing the seat. Stand with your feet and legs together and lean forward from the waist. Place your palms on the seat of the chair and lift your right leg straight behind you so it's one line from your right leg to your head. Flexing your foot, bend and straighten your right leg, pulling your heel to your rear. Keep your back strong and navel pulled toward your spine the whole time. Complete as many exercises as you can in 30 seconds on each leg.
Stretch your legs out well with calf stretch, walking on your toes and heels, single straight leg stretch, and even downward dog. 

Total Body Strong

Warm Up
Windmill Hip Hinge
Standing Gate Opener
Jumping Jacks
Arm Circles
Butt Kicks

Workout (Repeat each strength set twice and the cardio only once)
10 Squats
10 Lift – Off Lunge                                                    
20 Russian Twists
10 Rainbow squat with ball

1 min Heisman
1 min side to side/speed skate
1 min jumping jacks

10 Side to Front with weights (lighter)
10 Hip Hinge Rows with weights                           
10 Curl to Press with weights
10 Side Lunge with weights hanging and hip hinge

1 min high knees
1 min speed bag
1 min jumprope

10 Dirty Dog each leg
10 4 times Abs                                                  
10 Leg Lifts on all 4s with light weight in back of knee point toe to ceiling
15 Glute Bridge with single weight on pelvis, squeeze glutes

1 min speed skates
1 min kick back kick forward switch at 30s.
1 min mountain climbers

Cool Down
Childs Pose
Downward Facing Dog
Leg stretch/switch
Standing Single Leg Stretch
Hang and Roll Up
Arm cross body w/calf stretch


Body Blast

Warm Up (30s. each)
Windmill Hip Hinge
Standing Gate Opener
Jumping Jacks
Arm Circles
Butt Kicks
March 3 with Knee
High Knees
Sholder Roll side to side
Jump Rope

Workout (time on:time rest) X3
Lateral Shuffle w/ 2 squats                                           60:15
Lunges Forward w/Overhead Press Medium Weights  10ea
Lunges Side w/Row Medium Weights                          10ea
Lunges Back w/Side Lift Medium Weights                   10ea
Wide Jog                                                                    60:15
Traveling Squat (Squat, step out, together, up)             16reps
High Knee Jog                                                            60:15
Ball Swing (kettle)                                                       15reps
Fast Feet                                                                    60:15
Ball Rotation                                                               10ea
Side Plank twist under                                                10ea
Sit Up Twist Over Hamstring Curl                              10ea
Reclining Triceps Press                                               15reps
Lying Side Leg Lift + Pulse                                        10&10ea

Cool Down                                                                     
Calf Stretch              
4 sit – ankle to knee and sit back (may need wall or chair for balance)
Center fold hands behind back
Slow rise chest lift with hands behind back
Hip Flexor
Hold Center arms crossed
8 count Roll Up

Total Body Tight

Tie an exercise band to something sturdy at shoulder height. Grasp the band in your right hand and get into lunge position with left foot forward, until arm is straight and band is taut. Pull the band while rotating your body 180 degrees, until both feet are facing forward and your right hand is at chest-height, touching your shoulder. Do 10 reps on each side for 2 sets.

Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand on a 16- to 20-inch step. Take a giant step back with your right foot and drop your right knee until it’s a few inches from the floor and the left knee is bent at about a 90 degree angle. Squeeze your glutes to push your body up, then slowly return to start position. Do 8 to 12 reps on each leg for 2 sets.

Loop an exercise band around something sturdy and stand, facing the band and holding an end in each hand. Position feet shoulder-width apart and squat slightly. Contract your abs as you row your right arm back until your elbow passes your torso. Repeat with the other arm. That's one rep. Do 2 sets of 10 reps. 

Grab a pair of 8- to 10-pound dumbbells with feet hip-width apart. Raise your left leg so you're standing on your right. Squat down until your right thigh is parallel to the floor. Push back up to the starting position. That's one rep. Do two sets of eight to twelve reps per leg. Too hard? Ditch the weight and place your hands on your hips instead. Do 2 sets of 8-12 reps.

Place a mat about 2 feet from an exercise bench or the bottom of a staircase. Kneel on the mat and position your palms slightly wider than your shoulders on the bench. Straighten your arms and legs so you’re in a plank position. Brace your abs and push up onto your toes. Do a slow pushup while lifting your right leg. Repeat the pushup raising your left leg. Continue alternating sides for 30 to 90 seconds for 2 sets.

Secure an exercise band at chest-height and hold it taut with both hands. Position your body so you're at a 90-degree angle from the band, feet shoulder-width apart. With arms straight, simultaneously pull the band across your body and rotate your torso to the left. Go as far as you can without moving your feet. Return to start. That's one rep. Do 2 sets of 10 reps on each side.

Totally Core

Warm up by doing each move for about 30 seconds.
Windmill Hip Hinge
Jumping Jacks
Standing Gate Opener
Butt Kicks
High Knees

Each move is 20 reps x 3 sets unless otherwise noted: 

Penguin taps - Standing feet hip width apart, engage abs and crunch obliques as you tap your fingers to your knees. Return to starting position and repeat, be sure to do 20 on each side per set. 
Standing oblique crunch - Standing feet hip width apart, engage abs and bring knee to elbow as you squeeze your oblique. I like to keep my fee hand on my hip to make sure I am really squeezing it. Return to starting position and repeat. Be sure to do 20 on each side per set. Pike crunch - Just like the dive. Standing feet hip width apart, engage abs and bring you leg straight up as your arm comes down for your toes and hand to meet. Return to starting position and repeat. Be sure to do 20 on each side per set. High knees - With a fast beat bring alternating knees up to your cheast. Try to get your knees to your hands held out with 90 degree angles. Keep at it for 30 seconds each set. 
Torso Tightener – Lowering into a plie, turn a light dumbbell or water bottle up as you twist to left return then repeat to right. A full 180 degree is counts as one. 
Toe Reaches
- Laying on the floor, scoot your booty up to the wall with your legs resting on the wall. Keeping your shoulders off the floor, reach your opposite hand to opposite toe as you engage your abs. Take your time with this one focus on zipping up your abs each time you reach across. 20 on each leg per set. 
Paddler – Sitting on the floor, in a boat or V shape. Use a towel or water bottle as your ore and paddle from side to side as you engage your core. A full 180 degree counts as one. 
Clamp - Laying on your back, simultaneously lower arms out to sides and open legs to 45 degrees, keeping shoulders and chest lifted throughout. Return to start, squeezing palms together and legs together like a clamp. Back to the top counts as one. 

Stretch by laying on your back and pulling knees into your chest. Straighten a leg out and twist your knee over, keeping upper body on the floor. Switch legs and repeat on other side. Do each stretch thoroughly by holding each position for about thirty seconds. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Coke vs Water?

Interesting stuff about water and coke.  Do you realize there are no, not even one, health benefits from drinking cokes, which are nothing more than a combination of chemicals that supposedly taste good.

  The facts below might just blow you away: 

 #1.    75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.
             (Likely applies to half the world population)
 #2.    In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak
            That it is mistaken for hunger.
 #3.    Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as 
 #4.    One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs
            For almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of 
                   Washington study.
 #5.    Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.
 #6.    Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of
            Water a day could significantly ease back and joint pain
            For up to 80% of sufferers.
 #7.    A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term
            Memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on
            The computer screen or on a printed page.
 #8.    Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of
            Colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast
            Cancer by 79%., and one is 50% less likely to develop
            Bladder cancer. Are you drinking the amount of water
            You should drink every day?

 #1.    In many states the highway patrol carries
            Two gallons of Coke in the trunk to remove blood from
            The highway after a car accident.
 #2.    You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of Coke
            And it will be gone in two days.
 #3.    To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the
            Toilet bowl and let the 'real thing' sit for one hour,
            Then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes
            Stains from vitreous China .
 #4.    To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers:
            Rub the bumper with a rumpled-up piece of Reynolds
            Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.
 #5.    To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour
            a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble
            Away the corrosion.
 #6.    To loosen a rusted bolt: Apply a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola
            To the rusted bolt for several minutes.
 #7.    To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into
            The baking pan, wrap the ham in aluminum foil, and bake.
            Thirty minutes before ham is finished, remove the foil,
                   allowing the drippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous
                          brown gravy.

 #8.    To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of Coke
            Into the load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run
            Through a regular cycle. The Coca-Cola will help loosen
            Grease stains It will also clean road haze from your

 #1.    The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid.
            It will dissolve a nail in about four days. Phosphoric
            Acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major
            Contributor to the rising increase of osteoporosis.
 #2.    To carry Coca-Cola syrup! (the concentrate) the
            Commercial trucks must use a hazardous Material place
            Cards reserved for highly corrosive materials.
 #3.    The distributors of Coke have been using it to clean
            Engines of the trucks for about 20 years!    

Now the question is, would you like a glass of water? 
 Or Coke?

Friday, November 9, 2012

Losing Weight is Not Magic: Tools

I have also found a lot of useful motivation tools, one of my favorite is the picture below. I made one on the back of my door to keep me motivated J The X'ed out numbers for every pound I lost were amazing to see. The pictures of food kept me motivated to eat healthy. The quotes kept me motivated to stay in the game and keep my eye on the prize. 

Another great tool is Google Docs Spreadsheet. I made a spreadsheet to track my daily food and exercise. I do this every day. I made it on Google Docs so I can access it anywhere I have internet access. 

Total Loss
Mocha Coffee

This is where I write how I feel about the day. Food, workout, etc.

This was a good day as I am aiming for about .15 of a pound a day

Yogurt w/ granola


Garden Burger w/ Orange

Hamburger Helper w/ Garlic Bread






0.14 of a lb.

*My boyfriend was over so I opted for 3 small treats instead of another meal while we watched a movie after our workout on this day. Otherwise, I would have gone for a veggie dish of some sort. Also notice, I use my BMR instead of DCN when calculating calorie deficit. I like to see my workouts apart from my BMR so I can SEE where I need to work harder each week, food or workouts.*

The last tool I love is an app called Gym-Pact. Why I love it? It's Free, It's an incentive, I studied incentive-programs like it in college, and I make money doing something I love with it. So what is it? 
You tell it "I am going to the gym 3 days this week." If you complete your pact you win $ from the pot, if you don't you pay $ to the pot for everyone else who did. I have been doing this since Jan and have already bought myself 2 pairs of workout shoes with the money I received for making my pacts. Once you download the app use code cleanKory for a $5 bonus after your first complete workout :-) 

Here is also a list of good magazines and websites that I find useful to read through. Many of them I get weekly emails from, a great way for me to stay motivated and interested. 
  • Women's Health
  • Self
  • Eating Well
  • Shape
  • Healthy Food
  • Team Beach Body

Check out the rest of the series Losing Weight is Not Magic pages:
Get the Numbers

Losing Weight is Not Magic: Write it Out

Write it Out
Get yourself a journal and write out these questions with your answers. The best place to start any weight loss journey is with hard copy evidence that you have thought it through and are ready for the challenge. 
  1. What are your realistic goals?
  2. How will you achieve your goals?
  3. What is your calorie deficit plan? (Can be different for each day)
  4. What is your weekly work out plan? (Can be different for each day)
  5. How will you overcome any challenges you may face?
  6. It may be beneficial to use Get the Numbers and write it out too.
If it helps you, this journal can be something you continue to write in everyday during your journey. Here are examples of things you can write:
  1. Calories eaten for the day 
  2. Calories burned for the day 
  3. Your favorite meal of the day
  4. Your favorite exercise of the day
  5. A challenge you overcame
  6. Your weigh-in/measurements
  7. Any other thoughts and feelings you had about the day
I do not recommend weighing nor measuring everyday. Its not about the numbers, its about how you feel. I weighed and measured myself about once a week while I was loosing weight and then about once every 2-3 weeks during my maintaining stage. Also, it is best to weigh and measure at the same time when you do. I weighed myself first thing in the morning after my cup of coffee and going to the bathroom, but before I had breakfast. 

Check out the rest of the series Losing Weight in Not Magic pages:
Get the Numbers

Losing Weight is Not Magic: Get the Numbers

Get the Numbers
Before you get started you need to weight yourself in pounds and measure yourself in inches.
                                Weight: _________                            Inches: _________
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a weight-to-height ratio. Normal is a BMI 18 to 25, overweight is a BMI greater than 25; obese is a BMI greater than 30. BMI can be found using the following formula: BMI = (Weight in Pounds / (Height in Inches x Height in Inches)) x 703                _________
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is the rate at which the body uses energy while at rest to keep vital functions going, such as breathing and keeping warm. This is the minimum amount of energy needed each day. BMR can be found using the following formula:
BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age in years)               _________
Body Fat Percentage takes in account of many factors for women. Use a measuring tape and the following formulas:
Factor 1: (Weight in pounds x 0.732) + 8.987                    _________
Factor 2: Wrist measurement (at fullest point) / 3.140          _________
Factor 3: Waist measurement (at naval) x 0.157                  _________
Factor 4: Hip measurement (at fullest point) x 0.249            _________
Factor 5: Forearm measurement (at fullest point) x 0.43      _________
Lean Body Mass (LBM): F1 + F2 – F3 – F4 + F5             _________
Body Fat Weight (BFW): Weight – LBM                           _________
Body Fat Percentage: (BFW x 100) / Weight                     _________
To determine your daily calorie needs (DCN), find your appropriate activity factor, as follows:
If you are sedentary (little or no exercise): 1.2
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week): 1.375
If you are moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week): 1.55
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week): 1.725
If you are extra active (very hard exercise/sports & physical job or 2x training): 1.9
BMR________ x Activity Level __________ = DCN _________
To maintain weight, one must (–) burn and (+) eat a sum of calories equal to your DCN. A healthy amount of weight to lose is 1-2 pounds a week at most. One pound is equal to 3500 calories. So to burn one pound a week, you must create a calorie deficit of 3500 calories, or about 500 calories a day. This can be done by DNC – 500 (less calories in food) x 7 days, or DNC – 300 (less calories in food) – 200 (calories burned working out) x 7, or any other such combination.
It has been said that the best way to eat less and not kill your metabolism is to eat smaller meals, more frequently. So eat within one hour of waking up and then every 3-4 hours, making sure your last meal is no less than 2 hours before you go to bed. 

Check out the rest of the series Losing Weight in Not Magic pages:
Write it Out

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Shakeology, What it Can Do For You

Have you heard of Shakeology? Want to know more about it? Well today is the day!!

Shakeology comes in SIX flavor options and two serving options.

Chocolate Vegan
Tropical Strawberry Vegan

Serving Options:
30 day supply bag w/scoop (it might actually last more than 30 days)
24 single serving packets

What It Does
In an independent 90-day study, participants replaced one meal a day with Shakeology® and exercised regularly.
Here's what the participants said:*
  • "I felt full and didn't struggle with hunger."
  • "I felt a better sustained energy throughout the day."
  • "I have tons of energy. I feel so healthy!"
  • "I replaced all my vitamin supplements. I felt healthy and energized."
  • "I was able to think more clearly and stay focused."
  • "I have more energy, less cravings, more endurance, and feel more youthful."
  • "Shakeology reduced my appetite and increased my energy so that I could accomplish more things throughout the day."
  • "I have tried a lot of protein shakes and meal-replacement-type drinks, and Shakeology is the best tasting of them all. I mix it with a bit of soy milk and ice, and it tastes like an ice cream shake!"
Here's what the doctor who ran the study observed about the participants:*
  • They reduced oxidative stress, a risk factor for degenerative diseases, by as much as 90%.
  • They lowered their total cholesterol levels by an average of 30% and their "bad" cholesterol levels by an average of 38%.
  • They reduced their cardiovascular risk factors by an average of 24%.
How It Works
This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need. A proprietary blend of digestive enzymes and prebiotics helps your body progressively eliminate the toxins that build up over time from eating today's highly processed foods.
At the same time, whole-food ingredients deliver the essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals your body needs to curb cravings, allowing your body to shed stored fat while the more than 20 different antioxidants and phytonutrients help reduce free radical damage that can lead to heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, and stroke.

What's In It
Even if you searched all over the world, you probably wouldn't be able to find all of the 70-plus, ultra-high-quality ingredients we've included in Shakeology. Not only do you get a wide range of essential nutrients, from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating more of every day, you'll also get the benefits of important foods from all around the world—foods that the latest scientific research has shown to be highly advantageous to your well-being. More than 70 different ingredients were chosen from around the world for their potency and bioavailability (the ability to deliver the nutrients your body needs). Here are the key nutrient groups that these ingredients deliver:
  • Protein and Essential Amino Acids to help build long, lean muscles and reduce food cravings
  • Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes, which aid in improving digestion, regularity, and nutrient absorption
  • Antioxidants and Phytonutrients to help counteract free radical damage that can lead to degenerative diseases
  • Vitamins and Minerals your body needs to function for
    optimal health
     *Protein and Essential Amino Acids*
  • Help build and repair muscles
  • Reduce hunger and food cravings
  • Help keep blood sugar steady
  • Support brain function to help promote alert thinking and reduce anxiety
  • Promote healthy skin, hair, and nails
Shakeology includes whey protein isolate, an easily absorbable source of high-quality protein that's ideal for building and maintaining lean muscle mass. It also helps keep your blood sugar steady, reducing hunger and junk food cravings. Essential amino acids, found in protein, help the body repair muscle tissue and heal wounds; support the brain to promote calmness and alertness; and reduce hunger pangs. The whey protein in Shakeology provides a highly bioavailable source of essential amino acids.

     *Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes*
  • Aid digestion
  • Help boost the immune system
  • Increase absorption of nutrients
  • Help keep you "regular"
Shakeology contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the digestive system. Prebiotics, natural components of certain plants, help support the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive tract. They may also help with the absorption of minerals such as calcium. Digestive enzymes, from plant sources such as pineapples and papayas, help your body break down food into its individual components, making the nutrients easier to absorb. Cooking can destroy food's natural digestive enzymes, so there's a good chance that you don't get enough of them in your diet.

     *Antioxidants and Phytonutrients*
  • Get rid of harmful free radicals
  • Help decrease inflammation
  • Help boost your immune system
  • Potentially decrease the risk of degenerative diseases
  • May even increase longevity
Many of Shakeology's fruit and vegetable sources have been chosen for their high concentration of healthy natural substances known as phytonutrients, including flavonoids, polyphenols, anthocyanins, and catechins. These substances have antioxidant properties, meaning they help get rid of molecules known as free radicals, which damage cells and may be a key component of the aging process. In laboratory tests, phytonutrients have shown promise in helping prevent a wide variety of degenerative conditions. What's more, studies suggest that the natural mix of phytochemicals you get from whole-plant sources is more effective than taking them individually as nutritional supplements.

     *23 Vitamins and Minerals*
  • Get a wide range of essential nutrients
  • Get your necessary vitamins every day
  • Make up for dietary deficiencies
Most of us don't get the complete range of essential vitamins and minerals in our daily diets. Some important vitamins, such as vitamin C and the B vitamins, are water-soluble, meaning they're flushed out of your body after a short time and need to be replenished regularly. Others, like vitamin E, can be difficult to get enough of in food. Shakeology provides all these nutrients in an easy-to-take, easily absorbable form, so you never have to worry.

What are you waiting for??? Order here!

Shakeology Recipes:

Tropical Breeze1 scoop Tropical Strawberry Shakeology1 cup coconut milk beverage (carton variety)1/2 cup sliced strawberries1 small orange, peeled, chopped1/2 medium banana

Chocolate Mocha1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology1 cup cold coffee (cool the brewed coffee over ice first)1/2 cup water; or nonfat milk; soy, rice, or almond milkIce to taste or blendedTip: Add cinnamon and nutmeg for a cappuccino-flavored shake!

Cranberry Relish Surprise1 scoop Greenberry Shakeology2 cups cold cranberry juice7 segments mandarin orange1/4 cup cold waterIce to taste or blendedOptional: orange zest twist for garnish

Overnight Shakeology Chia PuddingIn a jar or some other container that you can shake, add:
1/4 c. Chia Seeds1 scoop/packet Shakeology any flavor
1 T. Cocoa Powder (for chocolate flavored only)2 packets Stevia and shake to blend dry ingredients together.Then add:1 c. Unsweetened Vanilla or Plain Almond Milk1/2 t. Vanilla and shake it up again and put in fridge for 2-3 hours or overnight.
Optional: Serve with fresh fruit for a wonderful breakfast or snack

Shakeology Peanut Butter Cups8 oz. water
2 scoop Shakeology 2 Tbls peanut or almond butter1-2 packets of stevia, or a few drops to taste (only if you like it sweeter)Blend in blender. Spray mini muffin pan. Pour or spoon mixture in cups. Freeze until firm. Pop from pans and store in ziploc bag in freezer. This makes 18 mini cups

What are you waiting for? Order here

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