Friday, November 16, 2012

Feel Great in 7 Days, in Time for THE Event

Each day you will be given a task to accomplish and a workout to complete. Focus on eating well and fueling your body, not your cravings and not starving yourself. As you count down the days, ADD the tasks (NOT workouts) to your daily list (so on Day 1 you will be doing all 7 tasks). 
Day 7 - Eliminate Processed FoodsI like to say if you can't grow it or collect it from something living, then its processed. Processed foods includes anything you buy from the middle aisles at the grocery store with few exceptions AND fast food. These foods have actually been shown to have addiction characteristics leaving you unsatisfied when you are done.  Your best bet is to stay in the produce aisle for good eats.
Workout:  Body Blast
Day 6 - Booze, Unnecessary calories: Did you know that one ounce of vodka has 160 calories in it?? Not only are alcoholic drinks high in calories, they also make resisting snacking very difficult and your choices poor when you do. Not to forget its dehydrating and addicting.
Workout:  Total Body Strong
Day 5 - Fiber Boost: Carbs might not be your friend, but fiber is. Fiber is proven to create satiety. Best options for fiber include flaxseed, almonds, quinoa, barley, and brown rice. Just think about adding these to your everyday meals like yogurt and salad so that you feel full longer.
Workout:  Lean Legs
Day 4 - No Luck if your Metabolism Sucks: Eating more frequently throughout the day helps boost your metabolism and help ward off binge eating. Every hour you don't eat you'll dip about 3% in metabolism. Keep your metabolism high by eating within the first hour of waking up and every 3-4 hours after that making sure your last meal or snack is no less than two hours before bed. It also helps to drink water frequently and get up every hour for a quick break.
Workout:  Total Body Tight
Day 3 - Down Hill & Bloat at Bay: Flat tummy foods that are packed with water such as cucumbers, spinach, and asparagus in addition to bananas and oranges help keep bloat away while broccoli, onions, and peppers cause gassing and bloating. If its full of water its probably safe. Workout:  Totally Core
Day 2 - Flush Away: The best way to wash your system is to simply flush everything out with water. Your body retains water when it feels you don't have enough of it. Having a glass of water every hour of downing 2-3 liters everyday will do the trick. Also a tip to not have to go to the restrooms a million times a day is to drink slowly so that water goes strait to the bloodstream rather than through the liver, where excess is excreted as waste. 
Workout:  You may be sore after the last five days. Use today to take it easy, pop in some music, and go for a nice walk or bike ride outside or at the gym. Make sure you get in at least 30 minutes of exercise though. 
EVENT DAY - Protein is your BFF!: Make your breakfast packed with protein and you're guaranteed to fill up and keep snacking to a minimum. An egg and veggie scramble with whole wheat toast is a perfect option for fiber and protein. 
Workout:  Yoga Poses

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