Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Transformation Tuesday - Starts with a HOT MESS

Wanna get HOT and MESSY? 12 Days of Fitness HOT MESS 2.0 Challenge starts Monday, August 5! You may remember how intense the competition was last year... We are excited to bring this one back and reward Challengers for getting sweaty...and compete for the HM prize!!! 

12 days of team accountability to a fitness program of your choice. Each day you log in and report, you will get points for you and your team. High team wins bragging rights while High individuals will be competing for awesome prizes. No need to be nearby, contact me for details. 

Contact me if interested in creating your OWN TEAM or to be on my team.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

David Ramsey, Not Just The Money

“If you want marriage advice, ask the little old couple holding hands. If you want to be rich, do what rich people do. If you want to be skinny, don't do what your overweight friends are doing!” ~David Ramsey

David Ramsey sure said it well. Learning from the best is a great way to make steps toward your goal. So if you are wanting to tone your arms, ask the girl with awesome arms. Want to shed baby fat, ask the mom with 3 kids and 6-pack abs. I'm not saying its going to be easy, what I am saying is that they will be able to tell you what worked and didn't work for them. You may have to play a little trial and error with everything you learn. 

Here's what has worked for me. In college, I began working at the gym on campus and that is where I fell in love with fitness. I had gained a little bit of weight my sophomore year, but the worst part, lost a lot of muscle mass. My exercising was irregular, my eating habits were not the greatest, my sleep was little, and my stress was way too high. ALL of which makes for an easy weight gain. 
So when I started at the gym the following year, I began to attend more fitness classes, got back in the pool (I started competitive swimming when I was 7), started rock climbing, and above all eased back into making exercise part of my everyday life. 
The days I worked out, I was much more likely to pick better meal options too. I ate more salads, lean meats, and veggies, and a heck of a lot less grilled cheese, nachos, and fast food. 
Since I was at the gym at 5:30am to work, getting to bed at an earlier time was easier too and my sleep became much more regular and adequate. 
Once I got back into the hang of daily exercise, I started focusing on losing the weight. Yep, the old fashioned way of counting calories. You can see my method on finding the numbers and writing it out. But there are also online tools and apps that can do this for you. Supergym as seen on my sidebar to the right, apps like MyFitnessPal, DailyBurn, CalorieCounter, etc. All of these have both a free version and a pro version so just go with what works best for you. 
I was able to loose about 7 lbs this way and did a good job of keeping it off. Do NOT try to loose more than 2 lbs a week, it will come back. The slower you go, the easier it is to keep it off. 
Now, three years later, I am still in great shape. I am at my lightest weight since I started this, but most exciting... I am almost into another size smaller of jeans. My body is shaping up because of the muscle I have gained which is such a great feeling. I still eat better on the days I work out hard but really try to pick more veggies and lean meats on my rest days and the weekends, the occasional treat is allowed too. 
Tomorrow, I will post my weekly workout schedule and a typical day of my eating habits. 
Think about what you want, write down a reasonable date to achieve it, and DO IT!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Terrific Tuesdays! - Three Rules in Life

Simple. DO it, ASK it, STEP forward!

PS Only a couple weeks left to get the great price on Focus T25 and Shakeology Challenge Pack. The price goes up in August so don't miss out! Order at www.beachbodycoach.com/korfit and click "Shop". 

Have a great day!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday... For the love of Speed

Wednesday... Halfway through the week, halfway to the weekend, at the top of the hill. 
Either way you look at it... wednesday marks a great halfway point to see how your week has started and to set yourself up for a successful rest of the week.
Have you stuck to your fitness, diet, and personal goals this week? If not, you know what you need to do to make the rest of the week productive. Don't forget about the 5 steps from Sunday's post for No More! excuses.
Found this cool infographic in my email and thought I would share. Its from RunKeeper and UnderArmour. I do not call myself a runner, there are many other forms of cardio I prefer, but come training for a half-marathon or triathlon, well I gotta do it. I like this one though.

Happy Wednesday all!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday Tush Workout

I love these sets of lunges... my classes love to hate them :-)
Its 4 lunges in one rep. Forward Lunge, Side Lunge, Reverse Lunge, and Back Curtsy Lunge. I do them in the mirror to make sure I keep good form. Once you get the hang of them you can do it anywhere.
Do ten reps on each leg and you will sure feel this in your glutes, also great for you quads, core, and calves.

"Step up, step forward, and do what you gotta do!"
Happy Tuesday!


Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Madness Workout

Its Monday... my favorite day to start with an early workout to keep me pumped up all day long.
Do this cardio routine 1 time through and then each of the strength moves 3 times through. This will take about an hour with 5 minute warm up and 5-10 minute stretch cool down. It is so important to stretch!


60 Jumping Jacks       
30 s. Speed Bag
30 Lunge w/ Kick (15 es)
30 s. Speed Bag
10 Tuck Jumps
30 s. Speed Bag
20 Squats w/ Leg Lift (10 es)
30 s. Speed Bag
5 Burpees
30 s. Speed Bag
10 Jump Squats
30 s. Speed Bag
5 Push Ups
30 s. Speed Bag
30 Mountain Climbers
30 s. Speed Bag
10 Split Lunge Jumps
30 s. Speed Bag
20 In and Out Abs
30 s. Speed Bag
1 min Plank

Cardio Abs:
Ab Walkouts (5 es)
Cross Jacks (30s.)
Standing Oblique (15 es)
Pike Crunch (20)

Strength (each 3X)
10 Lateral Raise with Milk Pour

10 180 Squat Jump with single weight
15 Wall Push Ups
10 Squat to Overhead Press
20 Standing Russian Twists with single weight

10 Bent over Rows
10 Side lunges with weights each side
10 Knee ups (march 3 in between)
10 Upright Rows

Also, back to yesterdays post... I am 2 for 2. Did you succeed at your goal today? If not, the day isn't over, GET TO IT. Have a great Monday!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

No More!

The number one biggest cause for FAILURE: Excuses!

SO stop making them. No more excuses, no more reasons why, JUST DO what you gotta do!
Sit down right now and write it down. Seriously, go get paper and a writing utensil. GO!
Okay, now what do you want to succeed at? Lose 5 lbs, lift heavier, spend more time with my kids, stay connected with old friends, eat cleaner. Write it on your paper.
Now turn over that paper, and write down five ways that will help you to do just that. Not four, five!

This is your homework for the week. I'll check back with you this week to see how you are doing. I have one too... so we are in this together.

Start now! Have a great week, look forward to a new workout posted and some yummy recipes :-)